Stripmine Beauty – Please give Sevastian some money so that he can give it to other people

Really should have gone to the FITP wine thing (especially because my desire for liquor is only eclipsed by my lack of desire to walk to the liquor store) at least so that I could harass everyone in the AD department, but I’m exhausted, depressed, and also I couldn’t find anyone to drive me. Plus I just now noticed that  I’d have had to RSVP, which I didn’t do, and it sounds fancy and I don’t like it when fancy things happen.

I’ve decided that since I don’t have to worry about Indiefone anymore I also wouldn’t have to worry about the time constraints, and I’m hoping to make it a little longer inshAllah. Also a lot weirder. I tried in these first versions of the script to make a small, conventional film that would be easy to shoot, but since the project is a total disaster already I might as well dream big!  (This is what optimism in Slavs looks like.) I also want a budget, at least enough to be able to pay a small salary to people and to buy a portable generator.Here is the crowdfunding site thing. Paypal coming soon.

  1. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Keep your head up!

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